The truth is that in most of the cases the cheapest web hosting is not always the best decision. The good news is that there is a big competition and if before 5-6 years the cheapest web hosting was about 10-12 $ per month, nowadays it is 3-4 $ per month, so you have a pretty wide variety of choices.
As mentioned above the cheapest hosting is not very reliable, but after all there are a few important things that we should have in mind while searching for the best provider. If you are an ordinary user and you want to have a decent site for personal use you will have to find the cheapest web hosting on the market because there is no need to give money for something which will not reveal its full potential.
First of all, because the price is about to be really low, we have to know that our expectations should not be very big. The most important thing is the reliability of the hosting. Yes, you will give 3-4 $ monthly for example, but after all this is money. You will have to expect something in exchange. Most of the companies will promise you that your server will not crash - 100 % uptime. Unfortunately most of these promises fail.
The main reason for this is that these companies are not interested in the cheapest web hosting, they are trying to attract big businessmen and their massive projects in order to win great amount of money. In that way they forget about the average user who wants a decent reliability for a fixed amount of money.
The money back here is a myth - once you pay you can not receive your check back just because the amount of money is approximately about 3-4 $. So you'd better be careful in your decision. The second most important key element in searching the cheapest web hosting is the support also known as customer service. Well, prepare to wait here.
Most of the companies, knowing that you are using their cheapest web hosting, will just let you on hold. Finally we may say that if you are still interested in purchasing the cheapest web hosting from somewhere you'd better check their offers very carefully.
The prices are very low, the support is on a very high level and we can promise you that in the moment you pick up the phone to call you will receive an answer. After all no matter what the price is you pay with real money and expect a decent reliability.
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